This time we have a weird mission. Jupyter is so big and far from Earth the we cannot explore the planet by ourselves. All of the explorations are done via digital solutions. While you are on the other side of the world I still feel connected every single day. You calls in the middle of the night make my day. The video call we have later in the morning is something that gives me energy for the rest over the day. And then our call in the evening where we simple talk, play Uno or just do our own thing while calling makes the physical distance between us smaller. The food we share, the diners/ lunch we plan are some of the nicest moments and I will always cherish those memories. But the late nights, going to bed alone and waking up without next to me is something I will never get used to. My life without you is simply less colorful, less joyfully, less happy. I am counting down the days until I can have you in my arms again. Until then we need to cherish our digital memories and keep on making new digital memories. For this mission, I need your help. I heard some player from Jupyter have been playing Uno for a while now and they are telling the whole galaxy they are the best to ever live in the Galaxy. But they have not played against us yet. Can you give me a quick call so we can click their alien ass back to Jupyter?